Silverman Thompson Scores Large Victory in US District Court in Atlanta

Silverman Thompson

Silverman Thompson Partner Andrew White won a major victory in U.S. District Court in Atlanta, GA last week when he convinced a federal Judge to employ a rarely-used law to block a State court prosecution of his client. Mr. White convinced the federal court that allowing the State court prosecution to continue would violate his client’s rights under the Ex Post Facto clause of the U.S. Constitution. When the State Court prosecutor and Judge refused to implement the federal Court’s ruling, the federal Judge granted Mr. White’s request for an Emergency Hearing, at which the State court Judge and prosecutor had to be separately represented by counsel. After the hearing, the federal court ordered the State Judge and prosecutor to end the criminal proceeding against Silverman Thompson’s client. As a result, the client was freed from just days ago and now can look forward to moving ahead as a free man.

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