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Governor Hogan Appoints Steven J. Kelly Chair of the Maryland State Board of Victim Services
The Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention (GOCCP) has appointed attorney Steven J. Kelly as the new Chair of the Maryland State Board of Victim Services (MSBVS). The purpose of the MSBVS is to assess, coordinate, and make recommendations concerning state and local efforts to assist victims of crime. The Board is also responsible for the Maryland Victims of Crime Fund, providing funding for victim assistance programs throughout Maryland. As Chair, Steven Kelly will help in the effort to ensure that all crime victims in Maryland are treated with dignity, respect, and compassion during all phases of the criminal justice process.
Attorney Steven J. Kelly devotes a substantial portion of his practice to defending the rights of victims of crime in criminal and civil proceedings. He is a nationally-recognized expert on restitution and victim compensation and helped lobby Congress to pass the Crime Victims’ Rights Act of 2006.